Do you have something you would like to add to the website that speaks to the topic of male spirituality? We would like to hear from you. Articles may be submitted to and , of course, comments may be added on the pages within the website.
Male Spirituality is a global topic that crosses all cultures, religious traditions, orientations and genders. Over the past 5 years the Men’s Fellowship Network has expanded its reach and now has daily visitors from around the world such places South Africa, Europe, Nepal, Australia, Russia, Latin America, South America and of course North America.
45%-55% of the followers on this site and the MFN Facebook Page are women seeking to learn more about what we men are doing related to our overall spiritual development. As well, the MFN Facebook Group is an open group and is becoming more and more diverse.
We would like to hear from you. We are adding topics, articles and videos almost daily and would like to engage you in the conversation. Your comments will serve to help guide the direction of the site, and we are always looking for fresh content from around the world relevant to male spirituality.
I look forward to hearing from you.