Location: Near Pagosa Springs, Colorado at Larry Malone’s cabin.
Larry will be hosting us and has in mind is a loosely-structured contemplative gathering. It will have a flexible framework that can adjust spontaneously.
There will be full days of activities woven together to promote group bonding and individual spiritual exploration.
The event will be limited to a maximum number of 10 participants.
- If you’re ready to commit, please send Larry an email with “Mountain Men’s Retreat” in the subject line.
- Send email to Office@MyPagosa.net.
Activities include but are not limited to the following:
- Hiking: Mildly to moderately challenging in stunningly beautiful places.
- Incorporated into each hike will be periods of sitting and meditation or yoga.
- There will also allotted time for conversations in spirituality and conscious manhood following the familiar pattern of our Monday evening gatherings.
- Some conversations will be around the fire pit in the evening. Others will be in specialplaces in nature.
- The Great Pagosah Hotsprings – There are three hot spring spa/resorts in downtown Pagosa Springs, each with a different attraction. The springs were know and revered by native tribes long before Europeans came to North America. The springs have always been regarded as having healing power for body, mind and spirit.
- Here’s a link to the largest hot spring venue. https://www.pagosahotsprings.com/ It is outdoors and offers 23 pools at different temperatures built along the bank on the San Juan River. Massage therapy is very popular and widely available.
Chimney Rock National Monument – Saturday http://www.chimneyrockco.org/
- This is an amazing archeological site about a half hour drive from the cabin. It is located on a high mesa where there are twin pinnacles that are sacred to a number of Native American tribes to this day.
- There is mystery about Chimney Rock. It was built by Ancestral Puebloan (Anasazi) people of the Chaco Canyon culture and abandoned around 1,000 years ago. The pinnacles form a natural observatory whereby the Puebloans could track celestial bodies and predict the change of the seasons. There are a variety of theoriesabout why they built it. It is in an inhospitable spot high above sources of food and water. I personally subscribe to the theory that it was a high holy place devoted to the priests of the Chaco people. The spiritual energy of the place is palpable.
- Saturday, September 22 is the autumnal equinox, a time that was probably a very important ceremonial day for the Chaco people. There will be a special program at sunrise that day that will be held at a place not usually seen by visitors. We would have to make reservations, but there is time to do that.
- More information is available here: http://www.chimneyrockco.org/event/autumnal-equinox/
- Our group may not want to go that early in the morning. If not, I highly recommend we plan to include a trip to Chimney Rock. There are guided tours at other times of day. It will be awe-inspiring.
Cost: Larry is asking $100/person to cover meals, utilities, water (we have to have it trucked in), and other expenses.
Transportation to Larry’s mountain cabin: 291 BigValley Drive, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
- You will need to make travel arrangements on your own, and you may want to coordinate with some of the other guys.
- Driving personal vehicles: From the church, the drive is 839 miles, and takes about 14 hours. If a few guys could share the driving, it’s not a bad drive, and not much traffic.
- Air travel – The nearest commercial airport is 60 miles away in Durango. Plan to fly Thursday, 9/20 and Monday, 9/24 Shuttle from Durango with Wilderness Journeys
- $100 one way for up to two people.
- $190 round trip for up to two people.
- $20/person one way after the initial two people
- $35/person round trip after the initial two people
For those of you who may not know Larry Malone, Larry has 40+ years experience in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy, Stress Reduction & Relationship Enhancement and is a longtime active member of our Men’s Fellowship Network. www.QuantumChanges.com