Gudjon Bergmann’s recent book – Baby Steps to Meditation – Gudjon Bergmann has been teaching and studying various methods of meditation for over twenty years. He has combined the best of traditional Eastern and scientific Western practices in a simple and practical meditation program, which has the same title as his new book, Baby Steps to Meditation (program website). Gudjon is an integral part of the Men’s Fellowship Network and has made many contributions including coordinating and facilitating our men’s retreat the past two years.
Additional resources on meditation: There are many excellent books and videos available on meditation; so many so, that it can confuse any good person, hence, Baby Steps to Meditation. – I invite you to explore these videos as well. They will lead you to others:
How Meditation Can Reshape Our Brains: Sara Lazar
TM: A Scientific Perspective by Quantum Physicist John Hagelin, PhD
Transcendental Meditation: Mechanics of the technique (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi)